Thursday, September 8, 2011

Implications of Population Growth

1. Population and labor force - It is a knowledge for us it is hard to get a stable job nowadays.  And now that we are suffering from economic crisis, employment is very much harder than ever.  One of the reasons of unemployment is large population. We all know that in our country, there are just a small number of companies that in need of employees that you can apply for.   We have a lot of job opportunities here but the problem is the skills required and the salary that will get from the company.  That’s why the main reason of international migration is the unemployment.  Every year, there are a large number of fresh graduates but these graduates will also belong to the world of unemployment.  A little of them will get a stable job.

2. Population and poverty – There is an advantage and disadvantages of having a high number of population. The advantage is there is a lot of people that will work together to produce products that will increase our economic status while the disadvantage of large population is poverty.  Just like nowadays, we observe that poor families have many children while rich families have few children.  It is a must for us to apply family planning and use of contraceptives to lessen our population.  I’m a pro to RH bill. I think it’s the right solution for the increasing number of population and poverty in the country.

3. Population and housing – One of the weaknesses of the government is the building up a sufficient decent housing for all the Filipinos especially for the poor families.  That’s why there are squatter area.   They cannot put up a decent house so they choose to live in the government owned places.

4. Population and growth of slums – People who are in the rural areas are always thinking that they will have a better life in urban places but they don’t know that it is better to live in provinces than to be one of the slums.  There is a lot of population in the urban areas which causes the growth of slums.  A lot of them are poor families and poor families multiply quickly and it is much observant.

5. Population and health and sanitation – To become healthy, we must clean our surroundings and to and sanitize it.  Communicable diseases are high because of the large population.  Most of these communicable diseases that people had strike by are typhoid fever, cholera, dengue, measles and AIDS.  At the young age, we must know how to become clean to avoid illnesses and diseases.

6. Population and water supply – There is a low supply of potable drinking water especially on isolated areas.  Many of us use the traditional method of getting water and sometimes it may cause diseases that threaten our life.  We must boil it first before drinking especially for children and lactating mothers.  In this way we avoid diseases happen.

7. Population and waste disposal – There is a lot of people of are throwing their garbage everywhere.  It’s a big no no because it threatens our lives and our environment.  We must also segregate our waste from biodegradable to non biodegradable.  But it is noticeable that we are not following these rules because our waste are scattered everywhere.  We must be responsible individuals.

8. Population and peace and order – Poverty is one of the reasons why there is a high number of criminality in the city.  One of the weaknesses of the police is the shortage of personnel and lack of equipments.  The ratio must be one police to 500 persons but now, one police is equal to 743 persons.  It is hard to accommodate a large number of population if there is a lack of polices.

9.  Population and transportation – A growing number of people must have an adequate number of transportation.  Just like on what we experiencing right now, it is hard to rake a ride during rush hours because of few jeepneys, busses or trains (LRT/MRT).  There must be a sufficient transportation across the country to be easily travel by another places and time will not be wasted.

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